For this particular world building exercise, I'm going to create a Pirate themed world for an upcoming game. I'll exclusively use the ICRPG GM Assistant 3 book and my own imagination to create this world. We will skip to page 11 to use the Simulation Method as I believe this method fleshes out more detail about the world than the others. I'll proceed to use some of Book 2 to fill in major world events; a little background to help introduce my players to this new world. A link to all three supplements is here!
World Overview - page 11 of Book 3
In a Pirate world, now called Marvita, a lone adventurer finds herself on a journey of discovery. Due to memory loss, she struggles to discover both the world and herself. (Mare is latin for Sea and Vita is latin for life, smashed them together to create Marvita).
Our mysterious adventurer travels across three continents (1D6), mapping a total of two regions (1D4), named Ternus and Atrox. (Immediately my mind thinks of two vastly different regions who don't see eye to eye).
During her travels, she traverses Forests, Lakes, Mountains, and Plateaus, experiencing mostly cool climates. (In line with my last thought, I'm thinking one region is protected by mountains and contains forests and lakes while the other region has jagged mountains, small dirty lakes, and steep dangerous plateaus).
Map Work
Taking what I just discovered, I begin laying out a world map. I know there are three continents and two regions. I separated the two regions with a line and filled in the land with the landscapes stated above. (All of these details can change as the map progresses).
Interesting Landscapes - page 12
Passing from the south end of Ternus to the north end, our adventurer was met by (1D6) drastic change (scenery: green forests to grey mountains) and a (1D6) guarded gate (impenetrable wall for security). Because this is a Pirate theme, we can assume our adventurer made her way to Atrox by way of boat. Once there she passed through (1D6) difficult terrain (jagged rocks and snow). Since the world's climate was selected as "cool" and traveling north in Ternus had a "drastic climate change", we are assuming that even further north on Atrox is cold and snowy.
While exploring Ternus' eastern continent, the adventurer discovers (1D12 x3) sprawling caverns, floating lands, and ancient ruins. She made special note of a zone that is (1D8) shrouded in darkness. Then on Ternus' western continent, she discovers (1S12 x1) futuristic structures. She also noted an area that is (1D8) covered in difficult terrain. Finally, across Atrox she finds (1D12 x2) sprawling caverns and deep crags while also noting an area that is (1D8) off limits to all civilians.
More Map Work
With the landscapes discovered above, I update my current map, tweaking areas as needed. I start with Ternus, moving the forests south and the mountains north, installing ruins and ports, and adding a guarded wall, a mysterious dark area, caverns, and a floating landmass.
On western Ternus, I drew some strange futuristic structures, an area of rough sand dunes, and a small village. Finally, I moved onto Atrox, adding more mountains to the north, a deep crag, a small village, and left the skull cave as the area that is off limits to civilians. (All of these details can change as the map progresses).
Local Habitats - page 13
As she passed through Ternus, our adventurer counted (1D4) one civilized town in western Ternus and (1D4) three civilized towns in eastern Ternus. She noticed that the civilizations were all built near (1D8) magical/religious spots, their architecture reflecting (1D4) futuristic technology, but that technology seemed to be (1D4) hoarded by one elite city. As the adventurer spent time in each city, she found that one of them (1D4) contained only magic users.
Exploring Atrox revealed (1D4) one "civilized" town and that is was built near (1D8) clear trade routes. Since I decided early that this continent was rougher and less civilized, this tells me that the town isn't polite but maybe has a rough barter system in place and that it needs a port connected to it, as there is no safe land routes.
The architecture reflects (1D4) early civilization technology, but it was (1D4) on the verge of a breakthrough. I decipher this as the town is old school, but is beginning to figure out to utilize old world technology. During her travel, the adventurer happened upon (1D4) an invisible city!
Even More Map Work
By discovering the natural habitats of these lands, I was able to update my map once again, but with finer detail this time around. On western Ternus, I named my one town while on eastern Ternus, I named my three towns and drew extra details on Astu, the city that seems to hoard technology. Canto will be the all-magic town.
On Atrox, I named my one town and gave it a port with trade routes on the sea. Then, I completed Atrox by adding the Invisible City hidden up in the northern mountains. (All of these details can change as the map progresses).
The Cities - page 14
In her travels, our adventurer experiences (1D4) three social classes (upper, middle, lower). How does this affect my civilizations? Well, Ternus has the advanced city of Astu in the colder north while the city of Exci is located in the warmer forests to the south. So these two seem to even each other out, containing mostly middle to upper class residents. Since technology seems so important in this world, the magic city of Canto is probably frowned upon by most and therefore contains lower to middle class residents. On western Ternus, we have Harena which is surrounded by futuristic structures from a past time. So I see this as a middle working class who scavenges the area and then supplies Astu with all of its technology.
Most people in Ternus are (1D4) City Dwellers, flocking to major cities and technology. Exci is a (1D8) self-sufficient city, capable of producing enough income without help from other cities. Exci's strongest enjoyment came from (1D8) hunting as they have vast forests full of creatures.
Harena's and Astu's main source of income is (1D8 x2) religion. I imagine they both worship a technology god and by supplying each other resources, they can thrive by offering a home and work to anyone willing to worship their god. Harena's enjoyment is found in (1D8) desert races where participants race their homemade contraptions across the dunes. As they are the largest city, Astu's recreation is all about (1D8) sports such as stick and ball type games.
Although many scoff at magic, they also see its power and therefore hire Canto residents as (1D8) mercenaries which also helps Canto stay on the map. The residents of Canto found enjoyment in (1D8) tavern games such as dice or card games.
Since Atrox is a brutal land, I imagine that it mostly contains the upper and lower class where the
mentality is simply survival of the fittest. Most inhabitants in Atrox are (1D4) Naturalists, living in nature and away from cities. The one major city of Atrox, called Ragos, is a (1D8) military power finding wealth by plundering trading vessels and offering its residents as cutt-throat mercenaries. Their enjoyment comes from (1D8) high-stakes sports where the losers get equipment cleaning duty while the winners gain access to good paying contracts.
Politics & Religion - page 15
In the culture, our adventurer found that Harena and Astu did indeed practice (1D4) Monotheism worshiping a technology god. The law there is slightly (1D4) corrupt, allowing bribes and where the rich prevail. Magic is (1D4) illegal in Astu and (1D4) illegal except by permit in Harena. The adventurer noticed both Harena and Astu are having a (1D4) supply issue (scavenged tech is running low).
Exci practices (1D4) Atheism, believing in their own hard work above all else. The law there is (1D4) fair with trials and juries. Magic is (1D4) legal in Exci. The adventurer noticed Exci is having a (1D4) problem with a criminal syndicate, smuggling goods through the city.
Canto practices (1D4) Other (magical rituals), not so much a god but a magical force. The law there is (1D4) strict, all crimes punishable by death. However, they only have a few basic laws which mostly revolve around how magic is utilized. Magic is (1D4) legal in Canto. The adventurer noticed Canto is having a (1D4) power struggle as a rebellion is in the works. One group of mages believes they should rule Canto and make different decisions.
Ragos practices (1D4) Atheism, believing their actions speak louder than words. The law there is (1D4) fair with trials, although they use humility instead of jail time. Magic is (1D4) legal in Ragos. The adventurer noticed Ragos is having a (1D4) supply issue as their food rations are running low due to a rough winter.
The People - page 16
In her travels, our adventurer met a total of (1D4) five + (1D4) one = SIX races and learned of (1D4) three different languages. (1D4) All of the races get along in this world, but there is (1D4) an ongoing war. I imagine this is between magic users and technology users and not between the races. Although not favorable for everyone, the world is currently ruled by (1D6) a council of elected representatives. Since my races all get along, I skipped rolling for Diversity on page 15.
World Events - page 17
After reading history books, our adventurer learns that the world of Marvita was once (1D4) ruled by a powerful king. The elder populace still remembers the (1D6) depression with the food shortage, failing economy, and poor housing. The current state of Marvita is (1D6) one of decay as relationships fail and tension builds.
My take on this is that the once powerful king got greedy and built up an empire in northern Ternus, thus building the wall that separates Ternus in half. He hoarded technology, wealth, and supplies, creating a depression across the rest of Marvita. Although that king was eventually overthrown and a council was installed in his place, there is still tension between regions and cities as everyone is scared of history repeating.
Final Map Work
Taking inspiration from all that we just discovered, I filled in the map with location names, sea names, a map legend, and some faded map lines to give the map more character.
At this point, I believe Marvita is a new pirate world, ready to be played in.
Continuing to World Build
The following is mostly straight from my imagination, but I do use some roll tables from the GM Assistant 2 book to assist in making random decisions.
Marvita's history is steeped in self-destructive behavior. It was once prosperous and technologically advanced as proven by the futuristic structures sprinkled across western Ternus. Many metal ruins have been uncovered in eastern Ternus as well. Evidence supports that this ancient civilization may have grown too quickly, underestimating the volatility of their own creations, leading to their demise.
Deeper Investigation - page 5 of Book 2
Our adventurer settles in Astu as the city seems like the central hub of all activity. It's the largest most technologically advanced city and was once home to the original ruler. While exploring long forgotten tunnels underneath the city, she discovers a stone etching depicting a diverse group of humanoids. Pictured are the original six races of Marvita: Avis (bird-folk), Dwarf, Gerblin, Human, Sea-kin, and Torton. (1D8 x6 from a list of 8 options).
The group in the picture is mostly wearing (1D8) fine quality clothes, and appear to be (1D8) listening devoutly to a leader who is speaking to them. Relevant history books would describe that leader as being King Venson, the first ruler of Marvita.
King Venson - page 5 of Book 2
As the world grew, disputes eventually developed. Luckily, a courageous man named Fenrick Venson stepped up to lead all folk into a time of prosperity. Fenrik Venson was (1D10) average bodied, but wore (1D10) finely crafted light armor. He had the (1D10) most uniquely colored eyes that demanded attention when he spoke and (1D10) deep scars that proved he was battle hardened. Although (1D8) rough and blunt with his opinions, he proved to be an excellent leader and was quickly proclaimed King Venson.
History books describe him speaking with a (1D8) gritty voice and having an exceptional knack for (1D8) telling stories of the old world, and how they needed to advance forward to create a better world. King Venson prioritized law and order while pursuing the research of technology. Eventually, folks learned how to meld metals, mix chemicals, create gun powder, and use pulleys and gears. Builders instantly began using metal to build stronger structures, create working guns, and invent simple mechanical devices.
Technology and civilization were booming at this point. However, King Venson wasn't done yet. Bringing in mages, people with inherent magical abilities, he began experimenting with mixing magic into his machines. People were busy, well fed, and happy.
Hidden Intentions
Finding old journals written by the King's own staff, our adventurer starts to read some disturbing facts. Apparently King Venson became arrogant, actually believing that Marvita would fall into despair without his presence. As he grew older and closer to death, he ordered the most powerful mages to help him build a large device deep under the city of Astu. This device very slowly absorbed the life-force from the city's residents and infused it into the King's body, slowing his aging almost completely.
Over the years people grew older and passed away, but the King never did. Most people believed he was a godlike figure and didn't question his ability. For the few brave enough to question him, he claimed it was a powerful enchantment bestowed upon him decades ago.
Looming Dangers - page 7 of Book 2
Our adventurer finds a hidden room while exploring the deep caverns. Inside she searches a crumbling wooden desk where she discovers another journal, this one belong to King Venson himself. He describes how he was living a powerful and happy life upon his throne, but even he couldn't avoid what was coming.
Reports started pouring in from Atrox to the north; (1D20) Undead Ghouls were climbing out of every nook and cranny, wreaking hell on everything. They wouldn't die when attacked, just kept crawling when legs were severed, and had (1D8) an unquenchable hunger for flesh. Next, similar reports came in from western Ternus and eventually eastern Ternus as well. These abominations just keep roaming across the land (1D8) on a path of destruction towards Atsu where the King's throne sits.
King Venson panicks and immediately has a massive wall built south of the city to cut off the rest of the continent. He holes up in his castle while cities fall and lives are destroyed. Everything he built crumbles around him within weeks. His last journal entry describes the screaming of his staff finally ceasing, but just as it does, he hears a new sound. It sounds like thousands of voices screaming, layered atop one another; they're screaming at him, begging to get their souls back.
He quickly writes an apology, he thought he was just shaving off a tiny amount of their lifespan, not stealing their souls! He only wanted to protect the world he had built. Coming to a realization, he confesses that maybe his death will return those poor souls and end this suffering for the rest of the land. Perhaps later civilizations will learn from his mistakes. Just as he writes that the Undead have breached the throne room doors, the pen trails off the page. The King's long life has finally ended.
Today's World
Our adventurer has become well aged at this point and is now a retired historian, living her last days happily watching the world grow again. Today, there are few remaining metal structures, but metal has been utilized in reinforcing stone and wood structures. Marvita's residents have figured out how to craft guns, cannons, gun powder, sailing ships, and some mechanical devices, just not to the degree of their ancestors.
Although at peace, the world isn't so much in a state of prosperity, but in a state of rebuilding. Marvita's people continuously scavenge old tech, backwards engineer inventions, and rebuild on top of ancient ruins. A council of representatives now rule over Marvita, working together to make decisions and thus keep tensions lowered.
How long will peace reign? Will past horrors stay buried? Will technology corrupt the world again?